Do you know that you can generate an income just by signed up with Google adsense? And its all free??? yes, you don't have to pay anything to get this done (maybe your eletric and internet bills actually...hehe). Before you start your quest harvesting money through adsense, you first need to have a Google Adsense Account. How to get one? simple. Just go to, register and create a new blog (fully in english...for faster account activation). Post about 3 to 4 post in your blog, and then register your adsense account. I make it easy for you, just click the image above, and you will get to the place you want.
Definitions of Adsense on the Web in all languages:
- Contextual advertising by Google. Website publishers earn a portion of the advertising revenue for placing Google sponsored links on their site. - Google's complete webmaster revenue solution. Adsense allows webmasters to place advertisements on their site and earn a portion of the revenue. - Google's content marketing network program. - AdSense is an advertising program run by Google. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text and image advertisements on their sites. These ads are administered by Google and generate revenue on a per-click basis. Google utilizes its search technology to serve ads based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted ad system may sign up through AdWords. ...
- AdSense est un système de messages publicitaires ciblés employé par le moteur de recherche Google et par son service de webmail Gmail. Google Adsense (en français)
- Google AdSense ist ein Dienst um Werbeanzeigen gegen Entgelt auf eigenen Webseiten zu platzieren. Es ist somit ein Gegenstück zu Google AdWords. Die Auswahl der Anzeigen ist inhaltsbezogen und wird automatisch durch Google erzeugt. Der Seitenbetreiber kann jedoch bestimmte Anzeigen, wie die seiner Konkurrenten, ausschließen. - Google Werbeanzeigen die man in seine Webseite einbinden kann. Der Werbepartner verdient dadurch Geld..
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